Thursday, May 8, 2008

Morning already???

I swear, I just closed my eyes to go to sleep about 10 minutes ago! Ah well... It's shaping up to be a pretty day here in Texarkana! Highs in the upper 70's, nice breeze, lots of sunshine! I like days like this!

About 8:30 this morning, the phone rings... I glanced at the caller ID and grinned... Picked it up and said...

"Dork Dancing Central, Chief Dork Speaking..."

Yes, I seriously answered the phone that way. I'll bet you can guess who called too... If you said the Wench, you win a nose wrinkling grin from me! :)

She called to remind me to get my mood altering drug refilled! (Celexa, nothing too exciting, I promise!) I love my Wench! Only she could make an Anti-Depressant seem funny at 8:30 in the morning!

Auster-Munks (Austin for the people who don't know his nickname!) is about to become a full fledged toddler... He's opening doors and climbing out of his crib now! It's getting to the point I have to keep the deadbolt locked on the front door, or he's going to go outside and do heaven only knows what without Momma!

I guess it's time to look into babyproofing the doors and getting him a "big boy" toddler bed...

I should be sad that my baby's growing up, but oddly enough, I'm not... I'm more upset by the fact Matthew starts kindergarten next August than this... Crazy, huh? :)

Ok, so on to the official stuff, and I'll quit blabbering on!


Now in my shop at DSO... Sidewalk Chalk - remember the sneak peek from yesterday? This is it! You can buy just the paperpack, elements, or alpha, or you can buy the bundle and save some money!

They are on sale for 30% off this week!

Paperpack - $3.99 (on sale for $2.79)

Elements - $3.99 (on sale for $2.79)

Alpha - $2.99 (on sale for $2.09)

Bundle - $6.99 (on sale for $4.89)


And because my CT is utterly fabulous and spoils you guys rotten, there's a goodie today! Penny totally RAWKED this kit out into some brag book pages for you to try out!


Click HERE to download 


And now it's back to the exciting world of Mom for me... I've got errands to run (get that prescription!!!) and a house to tidy up... (Note I said tidy, not the bad word Kris!)

Have a good day!


dustiest_bunny said...

Know how you are feeling. My toddler girl is 19 months old, a month before she was born our oldest headed off to his first year of university. Talk about your mixed bag of emotions, I went through them all. Thankfully my husband has the foresight to get our son a cell phone and altered our plan so we had free long distance. Many night we were chatting at 2 am. He still calls me several times a day (and sometimes night) to chat.

Thanks for the brag book pages.

Anonymous said...

bwahahahahahaha!!!! Just consider yourself lucky I didnt call you at 7am....hahhhaha!!!!


Kim B said...

I also want a phone call dammit! ROTFLMAO! Yeah ok, it might cost an arm and a leg- hahahah
LOVE the new kit! It's really awesome!
Tooting through

txbubbles said...

Toodling through on the blog train!
Terrific new kit!
Vicki in Texas