Monday, July 21, 2008

Da da da da....

Can you believe that I've only got two weeks left until I leave for Canada???

Holy Crap, Batman!!!! I have so much to do!

I was going to take a photo of myself with my pink hair streak for you today, but no such luck, the camera batteries are dead... Figures, eh? :)

So, really nothing exciting going on here - I've been cleaning out the store room and getting things unboxed... It's too hot for this, I tell you what!!!

There's a big sale on today for one very special lady @ DSO. All my store is 50% off today - with all the proceeds from any sale going to her. You can read about it HEREsale-jazz



Anonymous said...

Had stopped by earlier, and you hadn't updated. So glad you got it done.. LOL. It was real nice to have you stop by my blog. I wonder when your boys get to be the driving age, how much gas is going to be then????? OMG! I still have a daughter that will be driving in 2 years. I sure hope this economy gets better....{{ugh}} The special cause for Jazzy is sooooo generous. Already emailed too! My heart goes out to her....{{HUGS}} to you honey, and I will be back tomorrow...

BlueRose said...

Yup and I went shopping for lots of goodies. I'm just getting to know everyone and boy am I ever so glad. My heart just goes out to Jazzy. She is one terrific lady that is for sure. I pray for comfort for her at this time...