Friday, July 18, 2008

Yesterday sucked...

Remember when I said I was off to see what kind of trouble I could get into.... I'm never saying that again...

Yesterday started off normal enough.... then, around noon, I went to the bathroom and took my eyes of the kids...

Austin is a sneaky little child to begin with, keep in mind.... He sees me go in the bathroom, and he beats feet outside in the back yard. Opens the back gate, and strolls out into the front yard. (After taking off his diaper!)

So, one of my neighbors happens to be a cop, and he was off duty. He got Austin, called the cops in about the loose little one, and procceded to drag my child down to the end of the road....

I go out for a cigarette, and a cop stops by asking me if I know the kids in the neighborhood...

I go out and look, and it just looks like a little kid to me... Keep in mind, I *thought* that Austin was inside.

So, Momma instinct kicks in finally, and I got this bad feeling it was Munks...

I run inside, yell Austin about 3 times, and when I get no answer, I took off back outside, and tore down to the end of the road.

I get down there, Munks saw me, shrieked "Mama" and kicked the officer a few times wanting to come to me...

After getting a lecture on how I should keep a better eye on my kids and just making me feel like a totally horrible mother, I got Austin back. The cop took my name and other information, along with Austin's name and Date of Birth... then let me go.

I've got a sneaking suspicion that I'm gonna be hearing from Child Services soon, which ok... I'll deal with that if and when it happens...

Josh picked up a padlock for the back gate last night, and it's now locked down good and tight... Austin's not getting out again....

I'm afraid to go to the bathroom now... My little Houdini might escape yet again!

Yesterday sucked...


Beth said...

Kids are SOOOOO fast and SOOOOOO crafty!!! EVERYONE loses track of their kiddos at least once (or more) time!!! I remember we were in Blockbuster once and this lady comes up to my husband and I and says, "Is this your little girl?"... and YES, it WAS! Apparently this lady had found my dd running out of Blockbuster and into the parking lot!!! I have NO idea how that happened so fast! I am PARANOID about being in public places and always having an eye on my kids... but sometimes things just happen!!! You're NOT a bad mom or anything like that! (You just have very clever kids! LOL!)

Anonymous said...

Hiya beautiful!!!! Houdini did it again.....should I send you some duct-tape? Ask Mel...she'll tell ya!!! LOL


absolutartist1 said...

It's beyond amazing what those little skunks can do in under 5 minutes. AND that they know excatly which 5 minutes to do it in! I'm guessing those cops don't have kids of their own or they'd have been a little more sympathetic. Hmmm.. maybe you should have th neighbor watch Austin for an afternoon, and see how much he lectures after! LOL

Anywho - you are not alone. You are not a bad mom. And, hopefully today will be better. [hugs]

Shannon said...

Awww - poor Mama! I think I'd have me a cpo's butt - he's off-duty and takes our kid out of oyour driveway!!!! Anyway, I'm glad you guys are ok....lemme know if you need back-up! :P

Anonymous said...

When I was a kid it was ok to have the run of the neighborhood, or just grab on to a car with your skates on and Forget it! I had ChildServices visit me, cause my 2 boys we on the back of a p/u truck, with the tailgate down, riding in it...not fast either..the neighbors figured I was a bad mother! HA!...they found out real quick as to whether I was bad... LOL! Glad everyone is ok...and hey! Thanks for dancing on my made me feel all mushy... LOL LOL

PSSS..could you update this sometime???? :) :) :)

Nora said...

Head to Home Depot to the safety section & spend about $3 on this handy little contraption called a "hinge lock." It literally looks like a door hinge with screw holes on one side - you put it onto the door jamb, close the door, then this little baby slaps over & slips down a bit -- you CANNOT open that door!! When my littlest one was 2 he learned how to throw the deadbolt. Why? Because he wanted to go into the backyard to play on the swing at 3am! (LOL) It scared me to death because our back deck is 11 ft off the ground & the stairs were steep & rickety (at the time). Those hinge locks saved me many a sleepless night! I have one on the front door, the back door, the pantry (he likes to shop for food), a bathroom, and the closet (caught him hammering my wood floors one day), & the door to the garage (he knows how to use the openers to get out). They say the lock is designed for interior doors only, but it works on any door you put it on - just make sure it's up around 5.5 ft or higher so he can't get to it.
Good luck GF - I feel for ya!